Monday, March 30, 2020

Deer Fence

This is what it takes to keep the deer at bay. As we began putting seeds into the garden we knew we would have to protect the emerging plants somehow. We had already put a net fence around the garden but at least one deer was still getting in. So now we are having to put fencing inside our fenced in areas to keep their garden visits to a minimum. We are also using fishing line about two to three feet high to trip up and deer brave enough to enter the garden. I'll let you know how well it works.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Spring is Here

Happy spring to everyone! While it may be hard to spot them all, we have plenty of cold tolerant vegetables in this small garden bed. We have spinach, rhubarb, claytonia, and plantago. I think there is also a carrot in there as well. A new one we are trying this year is corn salad. It's also known as mache or lamb's lettuce. We're getting it planted before it gets too hot for it to grow well. As always, we'll keep you updated with some pictures in the future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Getting Ready for Spring

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We've already got some of our seed started to they can go out the moment all frost is past. Some of the plants we're trying this year are kale, honeydew, corn salad, peanuts and radishes. Some barley has already been seeded into the garden as well. We hope to bring you some pictures of the garden in the near future. Catch you later!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Betting Big on Barley

Our order of barley came in today. It will be our main crop this year. The main goal with the barley is to cut the grass before it has dried and use it as hay instead of letting it become straw. We will also let some to the barley mature to make sure we have enough seed to plant it out again if the rabbits and guinea pigs like the hay. We'll keep you updated on how it goes.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Rose Balsam Seeds for Sale

Welcome back to the website everybody! We are proud to offer a third product from our Pernie's Brand lineup. This time we have seeds for beautiful rose balsam plants with pink flowers. Just search for perniesbrand on ebay to find this and all our listings. Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Orchard Grass Seed for Sale

Welcome back everyone. We have a new product to offer from Pernie's. This orchard grass seed was collected on our own property and we want to give you a chance to grow some as well. Our rabbits and guinea pigs love orchard grass both fresh and as hay. We hope to have this available by March 8th. Don't forget that we have an active listing for our marigold seed on ebay as well. Just search for the seller perniesbrand. We'll catch you next time!