Monday, February 24, 2020

Marigold seeds for sale

Hi everyone. We have some bad news but also some good news. The bad news is that shipping costs prevent us from offering potting mix for sale. Charged charcoal may also be too expensive but we will continue looking into this. The good news is that we will have our marigold seeds available for purchase on March 1st. They will be listed on ebay from the seller perniesbrand. The variety is Red Marietta and will likely be offered by the thousand.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


This is one of the very first flowers to bloom on our property. Not sure of the exact genus but it might be a "woodland" crocus. They are a wonderful sight to see in the middle of February.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Even the hawks are tired of the rain

It's been raining so much here that our local red tailed hawk gave up on it's usual hunting practices and decided to go after worms instead. In other news we've decided to also offer "charged" charcoal as part of our Pernie's brand product line. We're still hoping to have both the potting mix and now the charcoal available starting March 1st.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Making Good Progress

We've been preparing much more of Pernie's Potting Mix lately and hope to have some available starting on March 1st.